Gift aid enables Inner Court as a charity to claim a refund of tax on your donations if you are a taxpayer. You must have paid an amount of income or capital gains tax equal to the tax we reclaim on your donations (approximately 28p for every £1 given) Please fill in your name and address above and tick one of the below.
Why Give Online
Giving online is convenient. You don’t have to worry about writing your contribution checks during the service, you can instead enjoy your worship experience knowing that you have already given your contributions. Also, if you are not able to attend worship services, you are able to have the benefit of giving online.
We understand that security is very important to you, so be assured that your personal information is managed in a secure environment. All debit card data is transferred through a secure connection.
Ways to Give
- Cash
- Cheque – Please make cheques payable to: RCCG Inner Court
- Online Payment – Through our website using the PayPal platform or from your PayPal account payable to:
- Card – We accept all types of credit and debit cards. Fill in the 16 digit card number, expiry date, issue date, issue number (if applicable), and the CSV number (the last 3 digits on the back of the card). We also require the address the card is registered to, or your house or flat number and Postcode at least. The card authorisation section must be signed.
- Online Banking – Using the following details
- Standing Order –you can complete a form or set up the standing order from your bank account using the following details:
Account Name: RCCG Inner Court
Sort Code: 60-02-12
Account Number: 61705217
Account Name: RCCG Inner Court
Sort Code: 60-02-12
Account Number: 61705217